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Always look for RAINBOWS - Learning to embrace challenges!

At the end of the Alpha trail. Zimbabwe.

When we were covered in soooo much dust and had been on some of the worst roads I've ever seen.... 12hours taken to cover 330km ... LONG days of crazy driving through the back and beyond of rural Zim... there is a great lesson to be had... it's sense of humour failure stuff, but we have a choice.... Look for the rainbows!!

So what were those "rainbows?'.....

I learnt that to go into such remote and forgotten places in Africa, share in moments with beautiful friendly people there, seeing their life's hardships and getting a different, better perspective is what really matters here.

I learnt, it's so easy to get so serious about everything!... these experiences can teach us how to lighten up a bit - have a bit of fun - what's bumps and dirt anyway??

Perspective once again!!

Is it worth destroying my mood for the whole day over something so insignificant as a discomfort?

Imagine what we would have missed if we had not endured that horrendous road? Life would be the poorer for not having travelled, seen, experienced, lived and felt the full range of associated emotions and sensations!!

All I can say is... there is nothing comparable with these raw, wild experiences, they are invigorating and exciting! Life is to be lived, adventured, enjoyed and experienced to the full!

We came out of this without any broken car/ trailer issues… that alone was a miracle! I'm sorry there were no photographs to show what the terrain was really like; I was too busy hanging onto my seat!

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